01 February 2010

Antes de llegar...

Here's a short entry I wrote while waiting for my flight from JFK to Ezeiza (the international airport of Buenos Aires).

            I’m writing this entry from JFK International Airport in New York, but by the time it’s posted I will be in Buenos Aires! I really did intend to write one more entry before I left, ideally one outlining the things I was packing – a sort of what to bring, what not to bring PSA. But as it turned out I was packing up to the last minute, so writing a blog about it wasn’t top priority. I had everything stowed away, my luggage was even way under the 50-lb limit (33.5 lbs for the suitcase, 24 lbs for the backpack, boo-yah!). I had electrical converters, extra pairs of socks and underwear, soap, books, snacks – I was prepared for any hiccup on the trip. And then about three hours into the drive to Chicago, I realised I had left my entire ISA folder – complete with my homestay information, ISA and ELAP handbooks, and my hotel reservation in Chicago – at my parents’ house, where I had stopped before leaving. Thankfully, I have an amazing mom and she was able to overnight the entire folder to where I was staying in Chicago. Whew! Just goes to show you can never prepare for everything.
            Speaking of homestay information, by the time I post this I’ll have met my host-mom, or perhaps “host-abuela”, Silvia Clark. From what I found on Google maps, it looks like her apartment is very close to the University of Belgrano – where my classes are based – and also on a pretty big thoroughfare in Buenos Aires, Avenida Libertador. Pictures to come! Before leaving Marquette, I picked up a few U.P. goodies to give as gifts, like yummy thimbleberry jam and maple syrup. While I was in Chicago, Will and I visited the Shedd Aquarium and I got some coloring books to bring with me to FundaCor. I wish I had thought sooner to pick up some coloring books for the U.P. but the aquarium ones are probably a little cooler. J
            I’ve had such a mixture of emotions the last few days. It was hard for me to say good-bye to Will, even knowing that I’ll be back in only three months. Thankfully, he let me download a lot of his music, so now whenever I miss him I can pull out my MP3-player and listen to music that reminds me of him. We also both have Skype, so that makes keeping in touch a little easier. I bought a phonecard in New York and the plan is to call my parents and Will before boarding the plane for Argentina. The flight leaves New York at 10:20pm and touches down in Argentina at 11:00am, so with the 2 hour time zone difference, that makes it about a 10-hour flight. I’ve brought Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez with me to read on the plane, as well as guidebooks to Argentina and Buenos Aires. Much as I love to read, I’m really hoping I’ll be able to sleep a little on the flight, even though I always have trouble sleeping on long plane rides. Oh well, guess we’ll see.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping in touch with Will will be far easier than you think. Don't waste your energy worrying about that... trust me. :)

    Glad to hear you're there and, thus far, alles geht!

    - Amanda
